Yahoo Data Breach Resulted In Loss of 3 Billion Accounts

Though the 2013 break of Yahoo data was rapidly known to include numerous customers of the company, it turned out to be obvious in the December 2016 that one billion profiles had been bargained.

Previously, in the September 2016, another serious and distinct break of data was exposed that affected more than half billion accounts of the users. At the present Verizon, which confirmed the acquisition of Yahoo early this summer, has exposed that the damage done by the breach of data in 2013 was way too bad as it is considered by the general public. In its place of 1 billion email accounts as well as yahoo profiles, it is currently supposed that each and every Yahoo account was hacked. Here, we are talking about 3 billion accounts of yahoo users; in them, all accounts that were formed at the period of the data breach. The muggers are assumed to have extended their illegal entree to the email accounts by using fake cookies.

Verizon proclaimed in this recent week that throughout the addition of Yahoo Company into its very own Oath unit, external legal experts got new intelligence signifying all email profiles had been broken and a supplementary 2 billion yahoo profiles had been breached. All the extra emails have been sent a message with a cautionary advice that operators learn about the breach of their data.

Though strong text PINs were not taken, even it is probable that emails can still be opened. Passwords were chopped, although the technique applied was not predominantly secure – the company, Yahoo applied the MD5 procedure, which has meanwhile been exposed to be dangerous. That claimed, even in those times, the MD5 was not considered to be a good choice in the market. Additionally, basic text security queries were found by the group who hacked the accounts with the User names and the standby email addresses given to yahoo.

It is still not confirmed that actually how many of the profiles were hacked at that time. In addition to that, the hackers are still to found. But, we can say that the people who hacked these accounts were able to play with 6, 500 yahoo email ID’s.


Murphy Miller

Murphy Miller

Murphy Miller is the Editor of Healthcare IT Journal, a leading newspaper in the healthcare information technology. Murphy's work covers a variety of topics including healthcare information technology advancements, health policy and compliance, patient privacy and confidentialy, and the financial aspects of healthcare. As the editor of the Healthcare IT Journal, Murphy Miller provides straightforward, informative content to guide professionals and policymakers in the healthcare and IT fields.

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